Russian Culture News
Russian Cultural Heritage Network news agency.
Issue #215 (24.01.2003)
1817 subscribers, since october 1997.
Registred by Ministry of Mass Media Russian Federation July,6 2001, #77-4675 SRT-016320 06.07.2001, ISSN 1684-9574
(c) 1997-2003 Russian Culture Heritage Network, supported by JSC "Internet"
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Team of the portal “Museums of Russia”

Kandinsky and Chagall Again in Tretyakov Gallery
Canvases by Vasily Kandinsky and Marc Chagall have returned to State Tretyakov Gallery, into the exposition "20th Century Art". Works by these artist take special part in the collection of Tretyakov Gallery. They are popular with foreigners as Kandinsky and Chagall are great examples of not only domestic but also of world art of the 20th century. Exhibitions of their works are constantly carried out in the largest museums of different countries.
The State Tretyakov Gallery (20th Century Collection)
Moscow 10/14, Krymsky val
(095) 238-1378, 953-3375, 951-1362, 230-7788 (?/?)

Stalingrad Battle. 1943 - 2003
State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia is glad to present the exhibition "Stalingrad Battle. 1943 - 2003". The exhibition is timed to 60th anniversary of defeat of fascist forces in the battle of Stalingrad. The exhibition is based on museum fund collection got as a result of trips of research officers to released Stalingrad in 1943.
State Museum of Contemporary Russian History
Moscow 21, Tverskaya Street
(095) 299-5458, 299-6724
[email protected]
80th Anniversary of Museum and Estate "Kolomenskoye"
In Museum and Estate "Kolomenskoye" there is exhibition "The Eighth Wonder of the World". This exhibition is taken from the collection of the Museum and Estate "Kolomenskoye", it tells us about famous wooden palace of Czar Alexey Mikhailovich in country estate of Kolomenskoye. On display there are models and pictures of the palace, things of everyday life of czar's family of the 17th century including original items from Kolomensky Palace, there are also works of art of the 17th - 19th centuries opening the theme of the palace and its life of the times of the first Romanovs.
Admiral of the Fleet N.G.Kuznetsov's "Steep Turns"
Central Museum of the Great Patrioric War of 1941-1945 on Poklonnaya Gora invites you to visit exhibition "Steep Turns". The exhibition is dedicated to the naval commander, Commander-in-Chief of Naval Forces of the USSR, Hero of the USSR, Admiral of the USSR Fleet Nikolay Gerasimovich Kuznitsov. On display there are original ship things of the times of the Great Patriotic War and also N.Kuznetsov's belongings.
Central Museum of the Great Patriotic war 1941-1945
Moscow 10 Ulitsa Bratiev Fonchenko
(095) 449-8066, 142-4357

Colour and Plasticity Metamorphoses
Central Artist's House invites you to visit the exhibition "Colour and Plasticity Metamorphoses". On display there are works by artists and sculptors working in different stylistic directions. The main thing that unites all these authors is that they masterly work with colour and no matter if it is colour of a stone or colour of paints.
Central House of Artist
Moscow Krymskiy val, 10
(095) 238-9843, 238-9634
[email protected]
Exhibition of Works by Frida Kahlo
Gallery "Naschokin's House" is starting a new season with the exhibition of works by Frida Kahlo, one of the most outstanding artists of the world. Frida's life was full of dramatic events, she was operated 37 times, she was painting bedridden and created about 200 works during her short life. Pablo Picasso, Vasily Kandinsky, Salvador Dali were delighted with her works.
Gallery "Nashokin's house"
Moscow 12, Vorotnikovskiy str.
(095) 299-1178, 299-4774, 209-6023
[email protected]
Bible in Silver
We invite you to the Hermitage to visit the exhibition of works by German jewellers of the 16th -19th centuries from the collection of the State Hermitage. Collection of German silverware was forming like the one for palaces during the 18th century, it was connected with Saint Petersburg evolution. Many valuable jewelry works came to the Hermitage after the Great October Revolution from nationalized collections. The Hermitage Museum is still replenishing its collection of German silverware.
The State Hermitage
Saint-Peterburg 34-36, Dvortsovaya Nabarezhnaya
(812) 311-3601, 110-9604, 110-9601
[email protected]
"The Two" from the Collection of Russian Museum
In Benua Building there is exhibition "The Two". The major theme of the exposition which consists of painting, sculpture and drawings of the 16th - 20th centuries from the collection of Russian Museum, is communication of "the two". Antinomies making up the dialectic of a man's life (love and hate, youth and old age, good and bad, friendship and enmity, talent and mediocrity) were constantly transferred into the art and so they determined the basis of the most part of world art masterpieces.
Benois Wing
Saint-Peterburg Griboedova channel, 2

Unfading Painting on Porcelain
On 18 January in Italian Hall of Big Pavlovsky Palace there was opened exhibition made up of funds of State Museum and Reserve "Pavlovsk" - "Unfading Painting on Porcelain". On display one can see elegant porcelain layers which were used for the interior decoration and as insertions for furniture units, there are also vases, covers and tea-services decorated with copies of works by famous artists.
State Museum and Estate "Pavlovsk"
Leningrad region 20, Revolutsii Ulitsa, Pavlovsk town
(812) 470-6536
[email protected]
Exhibition of Elena Batygina's Photographs
In Saint Petersburg Museum of V.V.Nabokov there is exhibition of works by Saint Petersburg photographer Elena Batygina. The subject of the exhibition is continuity of traditions revealed in careful keeping of doors from old houses of the south of France, Monaco and from the north of Italy. 40 works represent this theme from unexpected and original side: the most interesting photos of doors taken during the trip about the northern Mediterranean.
Saint Petersburg Nabokov Museum
Saint-Peterburg B.Morskaya, 47
(812) 315-4713
[email protected]
Suprematistic Paintings and Drawings of the 50-70s
Museum of Non-Conformist Art, Saint Petersburg Archive and Library of Independent Art invite you to the exhibition "Malevich Passion". On display there are works by Malevich, Borisov, Orlov, Kovalsky, Voinov, Sychev. The exhibition is carried out in the building of Saint Petersburg Archive and Library of Independent Art.
The Nonconformist Art Museum
Saint-Peterburg Pushkinskaya str.,10
(812) 164-5258
[email protected]
Shulgin - Citizen of Russian Empire
In Cultural and Educational Centre "Palaty" of Vladimiro-Suzdalsky Museum and Reserve there was opened exhibition "Citizen of Russian Empire" dedicated to 125th birthday of V.V.Shulgin. The originality of the project is not only in the originality of the personality of Vasily Shulgin but also in the rich and various documentary material which has been collecting for many tens of years. The exhibition tells us about one of the most brilliant and symbolic figures of Russian history.
The Vladimir-Suzdal Historical, Architectural and Art Museum Complex
Vladimir region 43 Bolshaya Moskovskaya Ulitsa, Vladimir
(80922) 32-2515, 32-4263
[email protected]
Ladies in Waiting and Cavalier Ladies of the 18th - 19th Centuries
The exhibition "Red Bow, Blue Ribbon. Ladies in Waiting and Cavalier Ladies of the 18th - 19th Centuries" from the collection of State Historical Museum is carried out in Ryazan State Regional Arts Museum named after I.P.Pozhalostin. The exhibition is dedicated to the subject that at all times has been hidden for people - everyday life, traditions and passions of the Russian imperial court. On display there are portraits of court ladies created by Russian and foreign artists.
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