RUSSIAN CULTURE NEWS _______________ _________________________ Edition N 185 June 13, 2001 Number of subscribers 1715 issued from October 1997 ______________________________________________________ Translated by the ROID Translation Agency ( Our gratitude is expressed to them for all their professional efforts. ______________________________________________________ -= CONTENTS =- 1. Engravings by Andrey Kostin in Krimsky-val street 2. Russian and German Popular Print 3. Art of the Victorian Age displayed 4. Arts of Indigenous Population of Taimir 5. Fashion in the Theater and the Theatre of Fashion 6. Festival Program in the Museum-Estate "Ostankino" 7. The Dutch Artists of the XX century (1945 - 1985) 8. The First Russian Museum Port -= 1 =- Engravings by Andrey Kostin in Krimsky-val street In Krimsky-val street of the Tretyakov Art Gallery an exhibition "Engravings by Andrey Kostin" has been opened. The exhibition of Andrey Kostin, a famous artist-engraver's works is functioning in the Tretyakov Art Gallery in the days of the author's death anniversary and representing the whole retrospective of this artist's creative work: beginning from his first independent engravings dating back to the 1970-ths and up to his last works made in 2000. Andrey Kostin's engravings, with their impressing images, the depth of contents and paradox sharpness are really remarkable symbols of our country's culture. The exposition contains more than 100 engravings from the collections of the Tretyakov Art Gallery and the artist's family. Ceramics made within the bounds of the "Money-box" project have been represented by the "MODIUS" Gallery. The exhibition will be open until October 2001 including. The State Tretyakov Gallery (20th Century Collection) Addres: Moscow, 10/14, Krymsky val Direction: From metro station Oktyabryaskaya on foot, or from Park Kyltury take trolleybuses B or 10 to the stop called 'Central Park of culture and recreation' Phones: (095) 238-1378, 953-3375, 951-1362, 230-7788 (à/î) -= 2 =- Russian and German Popular Print An exhibition "Lubok- Bilderbogen. Popular Print in Russia and Germany XIX - early XX Centuries" has started in the State Historical Museum. 120 Russian and 60 German sheets are displayed in the exposition. Their plots are: "Stair-case of life", "On the harm of alcoholism", "A quarrel about trousers", "World turned upside down", everyday life and love scenes, portraits of Emperors and battle scenes, too. At the beginning of XX century popular print attracted professional artists' attention. The exhibition is the opening-day of popular prints from the collection of the State Historical Museum based upon Khazimir Malevich's drawings and also sheets of Publishing House "Popular Print Today", dating back to the period of Word War I, created by Vladimir Majakovsky and Aristarch Lentulov. A coloured catalogue of the exhibition has been published, and it includes articles by Russian and German authors. The exhibition will last until August, 10, 2001. The State Historical Museum Addres: Moscow, 1/2, Red Square Direction: metro stations 'Okhotny Ryad', 'Teatralnaya', 'Ploshchad Revolutsii' Phones: (095) 292-4019, 292-3731 URL: E-mail: [email protected] -= 3 =- Art of the Victorian Age displayed An exhibition called " Art of the Victorian Age. From the Collection of the Queen's Academy of Fine Arts, London" is open in the Department of Personal Collections. The exhibition is a unique chance of acquaintance with one of the most interesting periods in the history of English art. 25 painted canvases are presented here. They are mostly diploma works of the artists who tended to get the title of Academician, submitted for the regard of the Council. The applicant's luck used to be decided by voting, and in case of a positive result the canvas remained in the collection of the Academy of Fine Arts. In spite of its chamber image, the exhibition suggests ideas of the main ways of development of English painting of the of Queen Victoria's epoch, showing how on the whole Academy's remaining faithful to the basic principles, established still in XVIII century, it was going through serious changes in accordance with the tastes and demands of Early Modern period. You can visit the exhibition until September, 9, 2001. Private Collections Museum Addres: Moscow, 14, Volhonka str. Direction: Metro Kropotkinskaya Phones: (095) 203-9578, 203-1546 -= 4 =- Arts of Indigenous Population of Taimir The Taimir Museum of Local Lore is displaying its exposition in Moscow, the All-Russian Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts. The exhibition called "Patterns of the Tundra" will last until September, 10. More than 250 exhibits, which demonstrate the decorative arts of indigenous population of Taimir, will be exhibited there, ancient samples as well as modern ones. Taimir is the only region of Russia, totally situated behind the Northern Pole; the Eurasian uttermost point is in its territory, it is Cape Cheluskin. Every people has got its own culture, history and traditions. At the exhibition one will be able to see samples of decorative and applied art of all the Taimirian peoples. The visitors will also see various things made of deer horn, wood and metal. All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Arts Phones: (095) 921-0139, 923-7725, 923-1741 E-mail: [email protected] -= 5 =- Fashion in the Theater and the Theatre of Fashion The Russian Bolshoy Theatre and the Moscow Fashion House of Viacheslav Zaitsev are presenting a joint project "Fashion in the theater and the theatre of fashion". Fashion came to the theater's stage together with performances on modern life. At first, in late XVIII century, the theatre wardrobe was formed of suits and dresses cribbed off because of obsolesce from one or another nobleman's or merchant's house. The edge of XIX - XX centuries was a period of a sudden change in the theatrical decor: solving all the problems became only one artist's task, and the suit became an essential part of the whole performance project. Theatrical suites displayed at the exhibition were based upon drawings by A. Golovin, L. Bukst, K. Korovin, F. Fedorovkky, V. Rindin, V. Levental, P. Karden and other artists who used to create suits for the Bolshoy Theatre performances. Drafts by artists and photos of the leading soloists of opera and ballet, such as F. Shaliapin and E. Geltser, L. Sobinov and A. Nezhdanova, I. Kozlovsky and S. Lemeshev, I. Arkhipova and E. Obraztsova have been used in the exposition. June, 15 is going to be the opening-day, which will be held in the Museum of the Bolshoy Theatre. The exhibition will function until September, 16. The Museum of the Bolshoi Theatre Phones: (095) 292-0593, 292-0025 -= 6 =- Festival Program in the Museum-Estate "Ostankino" Musical Festival "Sheremetiev's Seasons in Ostankino" has been organized to coincide with Duke Nicolay Sheremetiev's 250-th birthday anniversary. The Festival will be held from June, 16 up to June, 24, in the Theatre of the Moscow Museum-Estate "Ostankino". The Festival program includes music by Russian composer D. Bortniansky, Chorus of Church-Museum of St. Nicolas in Tolmachi of the State Tretiakov Art Gallery and also comic operas by A.-E. Gretry "Friendship Experience" and "Talking Picture" from the repertoire of Nicolay Sheremetiev's Serf Theatre. Moscow Museum and Estate "Ostankino" Addres: Moscow, 5, Pervaya Ostankinskaya ulitsa Direction: Take tram 11 or 17 from metro station VDNKh Phones: (095) 286-6288, 283-4645 URL: E-mail: [email protected] -= 7 =- The Dutch Artists of the XX century (1945 - 1985) June, 8, 2001 - September, 3, 2001. The opening day of the Stedlik-Museam (The Museum of the City), Amsterdam, Kingdom of Netherlands, was held in the State Hermitage. 33 works of art of Dutch artists, representatives of abstract expressionism - one of the main trends in the art of the second half of XX century in Western Europe and the USA as well are disposed at the exhibition. After the end of World War II creative intellectuals had to revise and give their new estimation of what was really valid and eternal in art. The Dutch artists saw their way in abstract expressionism, the core of which was to think and create in an emancipated manner, just like children do. One of the most remarkable appearances of this period in Holland was the artists' association named "KOBRA" (the term was composed out of the initial letters of the capitals of states - Copenhagen, Brussels, Amsterdam), which existed from 1949 up to 1951. Works of members of this association, the Dutchmen Appel and Constant, the Belgium Cornel, and also the "KOBRA's" followers, such as Brunghts, Benner, Lattaster and Hussem are represented at the exhibition. The exhibition has been organized with the support of the Foundation of the Hermitage's Friends in Netherlands and the "Ingosstrah (Foreign Insurance Office) - Petersburg". A scientific catalogue of the Hermitage in cooperation with the Publishing House "Slavia" has been prepared for the opening-day of the exhibition. The State Hermitage Addres: Saint-Peterburg, 34-36, Dvortsovaya Nabarezhnaya Direction: From "Nevsky Prospect" metro station, take any of the following: bus 7, 10; tram 31; troll. 1, 7, 9, 10 Phones: (812) 311-3601, 110-9604, 110-9601 URL: E-mail: [email protected] -= 8 =- The First Russian Museum Port In Pietrozavodsk, in the Embankment of Onega Lake, the opening of the first in Russia Museum Port named "Peter the Grate's Harbor" is being planned. Nothing like that has ever been in Russia. According to the project, museum exhibits - ships of various epochs - will be placed on the surface of the water, along the moorage. A port of hiring boats for sea walks will be also opened. It is possible to see the Museum Port already now, but its official presentation will be held later, on the Day of the City, June, 28. The opening of the "Peter the Grate's Harbor" will be, from the point of view of the authors, an event of All-Russian scale, that is why a lot of guests, including leaders of Russian regions, will be invited to the presentation. ______________________________________________________ For use of any material of the Russian Culture News edition the reference to resource (Russian Cultural Heritage Network is imperatively needed. ______________________________________________________ Materials: send to [email protected] or by fax (7-095)135-3385 Subscription: empty message to [email protected] to unsubscribe to send the same to [email protected] Contacts: E-Mail: [email protected] phone/fax: (7-095)135-3385 Copyright: ______________________________________________________ (ñ) All rights reserved.1997-2001. Russian Cultural Heritage Network