_______________ _________________________
Edition N 182                              May 22, 2001
Number of subscribers 1711                 issued from October 1997.

Translated by the ROID Translation Agency (
Our gratitude is expressed to them for all their professional efforts.


1. Press-conference in the "Lenin Library"
2. Fiodor Grigorievich Solntsev in the Kremlin
3. Ernest Fuks in the Tretiakov Art Gallery
4. Opening the season in Museum-Estate "Ostankino"
5. Pictorial and plastic qualities of stone
6. "Boris Godunov" in the Arts Museum by name of A.S. Pushkin
7. A series of exhibitions "The Realm of One Exhibit Only"
8. An exhibition of a Modern Left-hander

-= 1 =-
Press-conference in the "Lenin Library"
A press-conference devoted to the development plans on information
technologies for the Russia's leading library took place in the Russian
Stale Library (RSL). It has been already a long time ago that the "Lenin
Library" made its choice between the paper and the electronic book. As far
as in 1995 the library started digitization of its rarest books. Having
expanded its potential, RSL is now transferring to electronic carriers 1 500
headlines a year, which is one of the highest results in the world. At the
first stage RSL is planning to cipher 1 000 000 books. Now there is already
an Internet access to tens thousands of materials from the common and the
rare collections of "Leninka". That is the reason why this RSL project of
creating an electronic library has been recognized as an outstanding project
of the past year 2000.

-= 2 =-
Fiodor Grigorievich Solntsev in the Kremlin
The exhibition "Fiodor Grigorievich Solntsev. His 200-th Anniversary" has
been opened in the Ceremonial Lobby of the Armory Chamber. Fiodor
Grigorievich Solntsev had been a great master, academician of painting,
painter-archeologist, restorer and research scholar in the field of ancient
Russian art. Many years of his life have been devoted to the Kremlin. At the
exhibition one can get acquainted with Solntsev as a painter. Based on his
outline made in 1837 -1939, the "Kremlin Dinner Service" was made at the
Empire Porcelain Factory, part of which one can see at the exhibition. The
exhibition will be open up to June, 11, 2001.

The State Historical and Cultural Museum "Moscow Kremlin"
Addres: Moscow, Kremlin
Direction: Any of the following metro stations: Biblioteka im. Lenina,
Alexsandrovskii Sad, Borovitskaya, Arbatskaya, Teatralnaya, Ploshad
Revolutsii, Okhotny Ryad
Phones: (095) 202-3776, 202-4256
E-mail: [email protected]

-= 3 =-
Ernest Fuks in the Tretiakov Art Gallery
An exhibition of works by Ernest Fuks, a famous Austrian painter, the
creator of the "Vienna School of Fantastic Realism", architect and designer,
is open in the Tretiakov Art Gallery. The Gallery's exposition is the second
personal exhibition of the artist (the first one was held in the Russian
Museum, 1993). The exhibition is composed of more then 150 works of art,
created during the period from 1945 up to 1996; they are demonstrating all
the phases and the whole variety of Ernest Fuks's creative work. In addition
to his well-known painting and engraving, the visitors will see Fuks's
sculpture, pieces of furniture, theatrical and architectural projects. The
exhibits have been presented by Ernest Fuks's Foundation, Engraving
Collection "Albertina" and private collectors. The exhibition has been
arranged in cooperation with Arts Development Foundation and with the
financial support of "Austria Creditanshtalt" Bank.

The State Tretyakov Gallery
Addres: Moscow, 10, Lavrushinskii Peryulok
Direction: Metro stations: 'Tretyakovskaya' or 'Novokuznetskaya'
Phones: (095) 953-5223

-= 4 =-
Opening the season in Museum-Estate "Ostankino"
The Moscow Museum-Estate "Ostankino" is opening the tourist season of 2001.
The guests will be invited to an excursion round the Estate with a visit of
the jubilee exhibition "N.P. Sheremetiev. Personality. Activity. Destiny".
They will also see the interior of Italian Pavilion and the Entrance Lodge.
The rest parts of the Palace are closed for restoration. Since June up to
August including, a music Festival "Sheremetiev's season in Ostankino" will
be held in the Theatre of Ostankino Palace.

Moscow Museum and Estate "Ostankino"
Addres: Moscow, 5, Pervaya Ostankinskaya ulitsa
Direction: Take tram 11 or 17 from metro station VDNKh
Phones: (095) 286-6288, 283-4645
E-mail: [email protected]

-= 5 =-
Pictorial and plastic qualities of stone
State Geological Museum by name of V.I. Vernadsky, Support Charity
Foundation of Stone-carving Art "Stone Garden", The Moscow Society of
Stone-lovers, in cooperation with State Museum of Oriental Arts wish to
attract your attention to their exhibition "Revived Stone". It will be your
meeting with wonderful handicraft works incarnating the creative personality
of the author, and you will see the beauty of stone. Works of modern
stone-carvers of original Kungur art school, which came into being at the
end of the XIX-th century, are also displayed here. A good addition are
samples of gyps and selenite from the collection of State Geological Museum,
which is the oldest mineralogical collection of he country. The program of
the exhibition includes demonstration of a master-class. You will see small
gnomes and house-spirits, ready to be guardians of your house and entertain
you any moment you like, come out of a piece of stone in the hands of the
artist, Vitaly Gnatiuk. The exhibition will last until June, 14, 2001.

The State Geological Museum
Addres: Moscow, 11, Mokchovaya str.
Phones: (095) 203-5287, 203-4667

-= 6 =-
"Boris Godunov" in the Arts Museum by name of A.S. Pushkin
State Arts Museum by name of A.S. Pushkin invites you to its exhibition
"Boris Godunov" on the Russian Stage", devoted to theatrical performances of
the great Pushkin's tragedy. The exhibition demonstrates plays of the Moscow
Art Theatre, performances by Meierhold, Vakhtangov, Lubimov, Iefremov and
other patriarchs of the Russian theatre. But the organizers of the
exposition have not tended to present the whole theatrical history of "Boris
Godunov". Only the first performances were accented. This history is
presented in the forms of drafts by theatre artists, models of sceneries,
suits of the characters, photos, scene sketches and other small details,
which form the performance.

The Pushkin Memorial Museum
Addres: Moscow, 12/2, Prechistenka Ulitsa
Direction: From metro station Kropotinskaya (the Ostozhenka Ulitsa exit),
take trolleybus 5,15,16 or 31
Phones: (095) 201-3256
E-mail: [email protected]

-= 7 =-
A series of exhibitions "The Realm of One Exhibit Only"
The Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography by name of Peter the Great
(former "Kunstcamera") of the Russian Academy of Science is opening a series
of exhibitions "The Realm of One Exhibit Only". The Museum offers the
visitor to scrutinize only one subject out of a series of common and typical
ones, taken separately from an over-loaded exposition. The exhibition is a
unique possibility to show the whole cultural environment through one sample
only. The first exhibit within the bounds of this project will be the
Astrolabe from the collection of the Museum by name of M.V. Lomonosov, one
of the departments of "Kunstcamera". The Astrolabe is a complicated
astronomic device often used in Oriental countries and in Europe, too,
during the period of IX - XVIII centuries. The displayed Astrolabe has been
created by G. Arsenius, a famous master of instruments, in 1568. The
Astrolabe of Arsenius is one of the most interesting and rarest items of the
rich scientific tools and devices collection, founded by yet Peter the

The Museum of Antropology and Ethnography named after Peter the Great
Addres: Saint-Peterburg, 3, Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya
Direction: Metro Station: Vasileostrovskaya; bus no.10, tram no. 31,
trolleybus 1,7,9 or 10
Phones: (812) 328-1412
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

-= 8 =-
An exhibition of a Modern Left-hander
An exhibition called "Unique Micro-miniatures" is open in the Chambers of
Vladimir-Suzdal Museum and National Park. There the visitor can see some
unique works of art; engraved self-portraits and biblical scenes, made upon
microscopic sections of rice grains, poppy-seeds, amber and rock crystal.
Andrey Leonidovich Rikovanov, the author of all those masterpieces, was born
on September, 11, 1965, in the city of Omsk (Western Siberia). He is a
builder by profession. Micro-miniatures are not only his hobby, but a way of
self-expression as well, not only a demonstration of his skills, but also
way to invite the spectator to a dialogue. Andrey is a left-hander. It is
well known that left-handers are, though the minority, but still a
substantial part of mankind, always viewed upon as some kind of deflection.
Perfecting his skill inside the smallest space, Andrey creates his works of
art with the help of a microscope. His mail materials for work are: sections
of rice grains, poppy-seeds, pearl, amber and rock crystal, mammoth
tusk-bone, cedar nut and walnut, and also stones of plum and pear. His
technologies are: micro-engraving, micro-painting and micro-plastics.

The Vladimir-Suzdal Historical, Architectural and Art Museum Complex
Addres: Vladimir region, 43 Bolshaya Moskovskaya Ulitsa, Vladimir
Direction: From the train station or the central bus station, take the no 5
trolleybus to the stop 'Sobornaya Ploshad'
Phones: (80922) 32-2515, 32-4263
E-mail: [email protected]
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